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The German word for neck is



The gender of Hals is masculine. E.g. der Hals.


The plural of Hals is Hälse.

German Definition

     [1] der Hals
     [2] das Genick
          [1] "The neck is the part of the body, on many terrestrial or secondarily aquatic vertebrates, that distinguishes the head from the torso or trunk."
          [2] "By the way, I don't suppose you appreciate that we have been mourning over you as having broken your neck?"

Translations for neck and their definitions

     n. neck
     n. throat

     n. nape of the neck
     n. (specifically) the joint portion of the neck which joins the vertebrae (which has no regularly used English name)

     v. to swallow
     v. to gulp (swallow one's spittle out of fear etc.)
     v. to gobble up (annex, e.g. another company)
     v. to swallow; to accept; to put up with
     v. to buy, to be deceived by

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     n. collar
     n. (obsolete, except in, fixed terms) neck

     v. to kiss passionately; to neck; to make out; to smooch

     n. dative plural of Hang
     v. to hang; to be suspended
          Der Apfel hängt am Baum. - The apple hangs on the tree.
     v. to be attached to; to be fond of; to be devoted to; to cling to
          Er hängt sehr an seiner Schwester. - He is very attached to his sister.
     v. to depend on
          Es hängt alles daran, wie du dich entscheidest. - It all depends on what decision you take.
     v. to hang something; to suspend
          Ich hab meine Jacke an die Garderobe gehangen. - I’ve hung my jacket on the hallstand.
     v. to hang something; to suspend
          Ich habe meine Jacke an die Garderobe gehängt. - I’ve hung my jacket on the hallstand.
     v. to hang someone; to execute by hanging
          Wenn er verurteilt wird, hängen sie ihn. - If he’s convicted, they’re going to hang him.
     v. to hang on to; to follow
          Häng dich an deine Schwester, die weiß Bescheid. - Hang on to your sister, she knows how things work.

     v. to hang someone (to execute by hanging)
     v. to hang oneself (to commit suicide by hanging)

     n-n. (gerund of saufen)
     v. to drink
     v. to drink, especially in large quantities; to quaff; to swig
     v. to booze; to consume alcohol excessively (in terms of quantity or frequency)

     n. (neck of a bottle) bottleneck

     n. gerund of würgen
     v. to strangle, choke
          Die Krawatte ist so eng, dass sie mich würgt. - The tie is so tight that it's choking me.
     v. to gag, retch
          Als er die Leiche sah, musste er würgen. - When he saw the corpse, he had to retch.
     v. to have trouble chewing or swallowing, to gag on
          Er würgte an einem allzu großen Bissen. - He gagged on an all too big bite.
          Ich wollte höflich sein, also würgte ich tapfer an dem zähen, versalzenen Fleisch. - I wanted to be polite, so I bravely tried to chew the sinewy, oversalted meat.

     n. dative plural of Sturz
     v. to fall down, to drop, to tumble
     v. to dash, to rush, to sprint to something
     v. to drop off steeply
     v. to throw, to hurl
     v. to upturn
     v. to overthrow, to oust, to dethrone
     v. to plunge, to dive, to throw oneself
          Ich bin hungrig. Stürzen wir uns auf das Essen. - I'm hungry. Let's dive into the food.

     v. to strangle (choke someone to death)
     v. (obsolete) to kill violently, to slay, murder

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