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The German word for nut is



The gender of Nuss is feminine. E.g. die Nuss.


The plural of Nuss is Nüsse.

German Definition

     [1] Frucht: Nuss
     [2] Technik: Schraubenmutter, Mutter
     [3] Nusskohle, Würfelkohle
     [4] nur Plural: besonders Angenehmes
     [5] umgangssprachlich:
       [b] menschlicher Kopf
       [a] Spinner, Wahnsinniger
          [1] We ate a whole bunch of nuts last Christmas.
            Wir aßen eine Menge Nüsse letzte Weihnacht.

Translations for nut and their definitions

     n. nut

     n. mother
     Proper noun. Mother; Mum; Mom: one's mother
     n-f. nut (for a bolt)

     n-f. nut (fastener)

     n. egg (all biological senses)
          Willst du dein Ei hart oder weich? - Do you want your egg hard-boiled or soft-boiled?
          Das befruchtete Ei nistet sich in der Gebärmutter ein. - The fertilised egg nidates in the uterus.
     n. something egg-shaped
     n. (informal usually in the plural) testicle; ball (also figuratively)
          Mal sehen, ob ihr Eier habt! - Let’s see if you guys have balls!
     n. (colloquial in the plural) bucks (money)
          Kost’ dreißig Eier, der Spaß. - This thing costs thirty bucks.
     n. (colloquial usually vocative mildly pejorative) clown; foolish bloke
          Da steht „ziehen“, du Ei. - The sign says “pull”, you clown.

     n-f. pear
     n-f. lightbulb
     n-f. (colloquial) head, bonce, noggin

     n. the state of erring, the state of being wrong
     n. female equivalent of Irrer: mentally ill woman or girl
     adj. crazy, insane, mad, mental
          Sag mal, bist du völlig irre geworden? - Tell me, did you become completely insane?
     adj. (slang) crazy, incredible, extreme
          Der Wagen kam mit einer irren Geschwindigkeit um die Kurve. - The car came round the bend at a terrific speed.
          Das ist ein irres Gefühl. - It's an incredible feeling.
          Ich habe mir gestern dieses irre Kleid gekauft. - I bought this fantastic dress yesterday.
     v. first-person singular present of irren
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of irren
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of irren
     v. singular imperative of irren

     n. mentally ill person, lunatic (male or of unspecified gender)

     n-f. a cover term for a variety of root vegetables including:
     n-f.          beetroot
     n-f.          turnip
     n-f.          rutabaga
     n-f.          carrot
     n-f.          radish
     n-f.          parsnip
     n-f.          root parsley
     n-f.          celeriac
     n-f. (specifically) Beta (genus within the family Amaranthaceae)
     n-f. (even more specifically) Beta vulgaris
     n-f. (colloquial) head, bonce, noggin


     n-m. agent noun of spinnen
     n-m.          A spinner who makes yarn.
     n-m.          (vulgar) idiot, freak, oddball, nut (unusual, eccentric, crazy person, especially someone with unreasonable, absurd ideas)

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