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The German word for to read is

to read

German Definition

     [1] lesen
     [2] vorlesen
     [3] Vorlesungen hören
     [4] hören und verstehen
     [5] erfassen, messen und zeigen
          [1] I will read this book.
            Ich werde dieses Buch lesen.
          [1, 2] I can read and read out loud, so that I can read you this book.
            Ich kann lesen und laut vorlesen, sodass ich dir dieses Buch vorlesen kann.
          [2] "The voice continued, reading the second, and altogether stranger, part of the poem …"
            Die Stimme fuhr fort, den zweiten, und insgesamt merkwürdigeren, Teil des Gedichtes vorzulesen …
          [3] He read Physics in Cambridge.
             Er hörte Physik in Cambridge.
          [4] Can you read me?
             Können Sie mich verstehen?
          [5] The thermometer reads 30 degrees outside.
             Das Thermometer erfasst draußen 30 Grad.

Translations for read and their definitions

     n. (gerund of lesen); reading
     v. to read (look at and understand symbols, words, or data)
     v. to select and gather or harvest (things like grapes)

     n. gerund of vorlesen
     v. (ditransitive) to read (aloud)
          Ich habe ihm täglich das Buch vorgelesen. - I read the book aloud to him daily.

     v. to study at university or college level; to be a student (of)
          Sie studiert Chemie. - She studies chemistry.
          Seit wann studierst du? - For how long have you been a student?
     v. to study scientifically; to research; to perform a study on
          Er studiert den Nestbau der Ameisen. - He studies the nest building of ants.
     v. to look at minutely; to study; to peruse; to analyse
          Sie studierte seinen Brief. - She studied his letter.
          Er studierte ihren Gesichtsausdruck. - He studied her facial expression.

Hören ©
     n. hearing
     v. to hear (to perceive sounds (or a sound) through the ear)
     v. to listen to, pay attention to (to give (someone) one's attention)
     v. to attend, to go to, to sit in on
     v. to get, to receive
     v. to listen (to pay attention to a sound or speech; to accept advice or obey instruction)
          Du musst auf deine Eltern hören. - You have to listen to your parents.
     v. to hear (to receive information; to come to learn)
     v. to hear (to be contacted (by))

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