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The German word for right is



The gender of Rechte is feminine. E.g. die Rechte.

German Definition

     [1] Recht, Anrecht
          [1] That's my right!
            Das ist mein Recht!

Translations for right and their definitions

Recht ©
     n. a right, privilege
          Sie haben nicht das Recht, über irgendetwas belogen zu werden. - You do not have the right to be lied to about anything.
     n. a title, claim
     n. the law
     adj. right (direction)
     adj. proper, correct
     adj. true, real
     adj. just, lawful
     adv. very, quite, rather, pretty, fairly
          Es ist recht warm heute Abend. - It's quite warm tonight.
          recht klein - smallish
     adv. well, right
          ganz recht - that's right
     adv. exactly

Rechte ©
     n. right (right side)
     n. plural of Rechter
     n. nominative singular of Rechter
     n. plural of Recht
     adj. form of recht

Rechts ©
     n. genitive singular of Recht
     adv. on the right
          Siehst du das Auto rechts? - Do you see the car on the right?
     adv. to the right
          An der nächsten Ampel rechts abbiegen. - Turn right at the next traffic light.
     adv. the right-hand side
          Wir gehen nach rechts. - We are going to the right.
     adv. pars pro toto for right-wing
     adv. pertaining to the political right

Gerade ©
     n. (geometry) line (infinite one-dimensional figure)
     n. (racing) straightaway
     adj. (of a number) even
          Zahlen, die durch zwei teilbar sind, heißen gerade Zahlen. - Numbers divisible by two are called even numbers.
     adv. now, at the moment
          Ich bin gerade in der Küche. - I'm in the kitchen right now.
     adv. just, a short while ago
          Ich war gerade in der Küche. - I was just in the kitchen.
     adv. just, only, not more than
          Ich habe gerade mal fünf Euro. - I only have five euro.
     adv. exactly
          Das ist gerade das Problem. - That is exactly the problem.
     adv. expresses the continuous aspect
          Ich sehe mir das gerade an. - I am watching that.
     adj. straight
          eine gerade Straße - a straight street i.e., one without any turns

     adj. (geometry) right-angled

     adj. entire, whole, complete
          Er hat ein ganzes Hähnchen gegessen. - He ate a whole chicken.
     adj. (informal) all (with definite article or determiner)
          Ich hab meine ganzen Freunde eingeladen. - I’ve invited all my friends.
     adj. (colloquial) whole, intact
          Ist die Tasse noch ganz? - Is the cup still whole?
     adj. (in certain combinations) true; real
          uxi, ein ganzer Kerl, a true man
     adj. (mathematics) integer (of a number)
     adv. quite, rather
     adv. very
     adv. wholly, entirely, all

     adj. correct, accurate, right
     adv. really
          Ich habe manchmal ein richtig schlechtes Gefühl. - Sometimes I have a really bad feeling.

also ©
     conj. so, therefore
          Er aß zu viel Kuchen, also wurde er krank. - He ate too much cake so he got sick.
     adv. then, thus, so, hence (Used to connect a sentence or clause with previous information.)
          Heute bin ich beschäftigt. Also sollen wir uns morgen treffen? - I'm busy today. Should we meet tomorrow then?
     adv. Used to introduce additional information about something previously mentioned.
          Kürbiskuchengewürz, also eine Mischung aus Zimt und anderen Gewürzen, ist zu dieser Jahreszeit sehr beliebt. - Pumpkin spice, a mixture of cinnamon and other spices, is very popular at this tim
     adv. (dated) thus, in this way
     interj. alright (Indicates agreement with something.)
          Ich würde gerne spazieren. Also, los geht's! - I would like to take a walk. Alright, let's go!
     interj. so (Used as a lead-in or to start a new topic.)
          Also, was sollen wir zu Abend essen? - So, what should we have for dinner?
     interj. Used to resume an interrupted train of thought.
          Das ist nicht wichtig. Also, wie ich bereits sagte, es kommt auf den Preis an. - That's not important. As I said before, the price matters.
     interj. An intensifier, indicates an emotional connection to the statement.
          Schmeckt dir die Suppe? Nein, also ich hasse sie! - Do you like the soup? No, I hate it!

     n. gerund of berichtigen
     v. to correct

     v. to correct

nach rechts

Recht ©
     n. a right, privilege
          Sie haben nicht das Recht, über irgendetwas belogen zu werden. - You do not have the right to be lied to about anything.
     n. a title, claim
     n. the law
     adj. right (direction)
     adj. proper, correct
     adj. true, real
     adj. just, lawful
     adv. very, quite, rather, pretty, fairly
          Es ist recht warm heute Abend. - It's quite warm tonight.
          recht klein - smallish
     adv. well, right
          ganz recht - that's right
     adv. exactly

     n. gerund of korrigieren
     v. to correct
     v. (homework, or assignment) to mark

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