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The German word for room is



The gender of Zimmer is neuter. E.g. das Zimmer.

German Definition

     [1] Raum, Zimmer
          [1] "'I beg, Catherine, you will always wrap yourself up very warm about the throat, when you come from the rooms at night; and I wish you would try to keep some account of the money you spend; I will give you this little book on purpose.'"
            Ich bitte, Catherine, packe dich um den Hals stets gut warm ein, wenn du nachts aus den Zimmern kommst; und ich wünsche, du würdest ein wenig von dem Geld übrig behalten, das du ausgibst; ich will dir mit Absicht dieses kleine Buch geben.

Translations for room and their definitions

     n-n. room (separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling)

Raum ©
     n. (physics) space
     n. capacity, volume, room
     n. room, chamber
     n. place, area, field, room, space
     n.          room, hold (of a vessel or vehicle)
     n. (figurative) scope, opportunity, field
     n. Alternative form of Rahm, t=ream
     adj. (chiefly nautical, comparable) of the sea, wide open
          die raume See - the wide open sea
     adj. (chiefly nautical, uncomparable) coming from the back at an angle (from between the sides and the back)

     n. (architecture) square, plaza, piazza
          Marktplatz - Market square
     n. (architecture) circus
     n. space, room
          Hier ist kein Platz. - There is no room here.
          Platz machen für. - to make room for.
     n. place, seat, spot, position (precise location someone or something occupies)
          Ich halte dir einen Platz frei. - I'll hold a place for you.
          Für deine Blumen finden wir bestimmt einen schönen Platz. - I'm sure we'll find a nice place for your flowers.
     n. (chiefly colloquial) place, location, site (in general)
          Die Zeit wisst ihr ja, den Platz sag ich euch vorher noch. - You already know the time, and I’ll tell you the place beforehand.
     n. spot, place (position in a hierarchy or sequence)
          Sie hat einen Platz in der Mannschaft. - She's got a spot on the team.
     n. (sports) court, field, pitch, course
          auf dem Platz - on the court / field / pitch
          Dies ist das beste Hotel am Platz. - This is the best hotel in town.
     n. place (rank in a competition)
          Er machte den ersten Platz. - He won the first place.
          auf dem ersten/zweiten/dritten Platz - in first/second/third place
     interj. down! (command to lie down, especially for a dog)
     v. singular imperative of platzen

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