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The German word for sheet is



The gender of Laken is neuter. E.g. das Laken.

German Definition

     [1] großes dünnes Tuch zum Bedecken einer Matraze oder eines Menschen im Bett; Laken
     [2] rechteckiges Stück Papier; Bogen, Blatt
     [3] flaches dünnes Teil; Platte
     [4] große weite Fläche
          [1] She got up from the cot and let the sheet fall from her.
            Sie stand vom Feldbett auf und ließ das Laken von sich herunter fallen.
          [2] I wrote on a sheet of paper.
            Ich schrieb auf ein Blatt Papier.
          [3] We closed the hole with a sheet of wood.
            Wir schlossen das Loch mit einer Platte aus Holz.
          [4] A gentle breeze disturbs the sheet of water.
            Eine milde Brise kräuselt die Fläche des Wassers.

Translations for sheet and their definitions

Blatt ©
     n. (botany) leaf (green and flat organ of a plant)
     n. (botany) petal (one of the parts of the whorl of a flower)
     n. sheet, piece of paper (piece of paper (usually rectangular) that has not been cut, torn, or folded)
          Auf dem Blatt steht nichts drauf. - There is nothing written on this sheet of paper.
     n.          sheet (full sheet of paper in a newspaper or similar periodical, representing four pages)
                  ein Blatt ist zwei oder vier Seiten - one sheet is two to four pages
     n. hand, cards (set of cards held by a player)
          Zeig mir dein Blatt. - Show me your cards.
     n. (colloquial) paper, newspaper (publication containing news and other articles)
          Was ist das denn für ein Käseblatt?! - What kind of newspaper is this?!
     n. (colloquial sometimes pejorative) magazine (a printed and published informative periodical)
     n. blade (flat functional end of an oar, rudder, propeller, etc.)
     n. blade (sharp cutting edge of a saw or other tool)
          Sägeblatt - saw blade
     n. thin plate; foil (very thin sheet of metal)
          Blattgold - gold foil

     n-n. bedsheet

     n-n. sheet; bed sheet (linen used to cover mattresses or furniture, or sometimes instead of a blanket)
     n-n. (rare) other kinds of linens or large cloths
     n. plural of Lake

     n. bow (weapon)
     n. (music) bow (for playing stringed instruments)
     n. (architecture) arch
     n. (geometry) curve, arc
     n. sheet (of paper)
     v. first-person plural preterite of biegen
     v. third-person plural preterite of biegen
Image illustrating the German word Bogen

     n-f. flat, thin, regularly (not necessarily circular) shaped object
     n-f. Various short forms:
     n-f.          (informal, computer) clipping of Festplatte, t=hard disk
     n-f.          (music) clipping of Schallplatte, t=vinyl record, gramophone record
     n-f.          (photography) clipping of Fotoplatte, t=photographic plate
     n-f.          (printing) clipping of Druckplatte, t=printing plate
     n-f.          (clipping of Grabplatte, t=flat gravestone)
     n-f.          (clipping of Tischplatte, t=tabletop)
     n-f.          (clipping of Herdplatte, t=stovetop)
     n-f. A flat, ceramic serving plate, or the food served on it.
     n-f. (geology) tectonic plate
     n-f. (climbing) smooth rock with no hand- or footholds
     n-f. (numismatics) planchet
     n-f. (Austria) gang (criminal gang)
     n-f. bivouac; overnight camp
     n-f. A fixed outdoor sleeping place of a person or people of a nomadic group.
     adj. form of platt

     n-f. location, position
     n-f. situation, condition
     n-f. thickness (layer)

     n-f. layer, stratum, seam
     n-f. sheet, ply, coat (e.g. of paint)
     n-f. class, stratum, group of people with a certain social status
     n-f. shift (day's work period)
          shift (the group of people who work a certain shift)
     n-f. stint


     n. sheet (of metal)
     n. (informal) any cheap, lightweight metal or metal object
     n. (informal, music, collective) brass (all brass instruments, or all brass players, etc.)
          „Das Blech spielt bitte mal allein!“ rief der Dirigent. - The conductor demanded loudly: “Brass play on their own now, please!”

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