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The German word for shop is



The gender of Geschäft is neuter. E.g. das Geschäft.


The plural of Geschäft is Geschäfte.

German Definition

     [1] Gebäude oder Räumlichkeit für die Herstellung oder Reparatur von Gütern oder für den Verkauf
     [1] suchen und gegebenenfalls kaufen

Translations for shop and their definitions

     n. shop
          Wann schließen hier die Läden? - When do the shops close around here?
     n. (informal) any establishment entertaining guests, especially a pub or bar, but also a hotel, restaurant, discotheque, etc.
          Was kostet denn das Bier hier in dem Laden? - So how much is a beer in this place?
     n. (informal) a (usually organised) group of people and its affairs: a company, political party, club, school, etc.
          Ich bin den ganzen Laden so leid. - I’m so fed up with the whole bunch.
     n. shutter (window shutter)
     n. loading
     v. to load (something) e.g. into a container or onto a vehicle, to load up
     v. to load (some weapon)
     v. to load (some data) from a store
     v. to download from a network
     v. to charge (a battery or capacitor) with electricity
     v. to invite
     v. to summon

     v. to shop
          einkaufen gehen - to go shopping
     v. to buy, to purchase

     n. shop; store
     n. business
     n. business activity
     n. transaction

     n. workshop (room where things are manufactured)

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