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The German word for to shout is

to shout

German Definition

     (ich) schreie
     (du) schreist
     (wir) schreien
     Ruf, Schrei
     schreien, rufen

Translations for shout and their definitions

     n. gerund of schreien
     n. dative plural of Schrei
     v. to shout; to yell; to cry; to scream; to howl
          Warum schreist du? - Why are you shouting?

     n. call
     n. reputation
     v. singular imperative of rufen

     n. shout, cry, scream
          ein durchdringender Schrei - a piercing scream
     n. (figurative) cry
          der Schrei nach Gerechtigkeit - the cry for justice
     n. (colloquial idiomatic) craze
          der letzte Schrei - the latest craze
     v. singular imperative of schreien

     v. to shout, yell at someone

     v. (colloquial) to pay for (something for someone else), to buy (something for someone else)
          Kann ich dir einen Drink spendieren? - Can I buy you a drink?

     v. (ambitransitive with mit, often, figuratively) to throw; to fling; to hurl
          die Schule schmeißen - to drop out of school
          Er schmiss seine Tasche aufs Bett. - He flung his bag on the bed.
          Sie schmeißt mit Kastanien auf die andern Kinder. - She’s throwing chestnuts at the other children.
          Schmeiß das in den Mülleimer! - Throw that in the trashcan!
          Ich schmiss mich ins Bett, weil ich so müde war. - I threw myself into bed because I was so tired.
          Du schmeißt Geld aus dem Fenster. - You're throwing money out the window (i.e. wasting money).
     v. to drop accidentally
          Pass auf, dass du die Flasche nicht auf den Boden schmeißt. - Watch out, don't drop the bottle on the ground.
     v. to manage; to organize; to run
          Ich muss hier heut den ganzen Laden alleine schmeißen. - I have to run this whole thing on my own today.
          Ich schmeiße meine Geschäfte und du deine. - I'll run my business and you run yours.
          Den Haushalt zu schmeißen ist schwieriger, als es aussieht. - Running the household is harder than it looks.
     v. to flub a scene, to corpse
          eine Szene schmeißen - to flub a scene
     v. to pay for a round of drinks
          eine Runde schmeißen - to pay a round
     v. synonym of einschmeißen; to swallow drugs
     v. to defecate

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