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The German word for show is


German Definition

     [1] etwas zeigen, vorführen
     [2] von Schildern und Anzeigetafeln: anzeigen
     [3] Wissenschaft: beweisen
     [4] auftauchen
          [1] "And opening an insulated door he showed them racks upon racks of numbered test-tubes."

Translations for show and their definitions

     n. show, spectacle

     n. gerund of zeigen
     v. to show, make see
     v.          (with auf) to point at
                  Man zeigt nicht mit dem Finger auf die Leute! - You don’t point your finger at people!
     v.          to exhibit, allow to see
                  Zeig mir mal deine Briefmarkensammlung! - Please show me your stamp collection!
     v.          to display, manifest
                  Die Bäume zeigen schon die ersten grünen Blätter. - The trees are already displaying the first green leaves.
     v.          to demonstrate, explain by doing
                  Kannst du mir mal zeigen, wie das geht? - Could you show me how this is done?
     v.          to go to show, demonstrate, prove
                  Das zeigt wieder mal, dass du keine Ahnung hast. - This only shows again that you don't have a clue.
     v. to appear, become apparent, come out, turn out, show up, to be manifested

     n. gerund of weisen
     n. plural of Weise
     n. genitive singular of Weiser
     n. accusative singular of Weiser
     n. dative plural of Weiser
     v. to point
          auf etwas weisen - to point at something
     v. to indicate; to show
     adj. form of weise

     n-f. show
     v. singular imperative of schauen

     n-f. demonstration (act of demonstrating)
     n-f. demonstration (show of military force)
     n-f. (politics) demonstration (rally, protest, march)

     n-f. delivery (by a postal service)
     n-f. program (performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television)
     n-f. transmission, broadcasting (broadcast of a radio or television programme)
     n-f. motivation
     n-f. (religion) mission

     n. program (set of structured ideas or activities; a list thereof)
     n. (TV, radio) schedule; programming (whole of a station’s shows; their chronological order; a list thereof)
     n.          loosely, dated ellipsis of Fernsehprogramm; television station
                  Die Sendung läuft im dritten Programm.
     n.          (loosely) a single item of this schedule; a program; show
     n. (computer) program

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