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The German word for to sit is

to sit

German Definition


Translations for sit and their definitions

setzen ©
     v. to set; to put
     v. to sit down
          sich zur Ruhe setzen - to retire
     v. to settle

Sitzen ©
     n. dative plural of Sitz
     v. to sit; to perch
     v. to stay (in one place); to remain; to be (in a particular place or state)
          Wir saßen fest! - We were stuck!
     v. to fit
     v. to be (i, e.g. with voller)
          Der Schrank sitzt voller Motten. - The cupboard is full of moths.
     v. to do time; to spend time in jail
          im Gefängnis sitzen. - to be in jail.
     v. to hit home; to have a significant effect
     v. to sit down

sich setzen
     to sit
     to sit down

Liegen ©
     n. plural of Liege
     v. to lie (to be in a horizontal position)
     v.          (Swiss) to lie down
     v. to be, to lie somewhere (of flat objects, also of inpatients in a hospital; otherwise use sitzen or stehen)
     v. to be located, to lie somewhere (of countries, towns, houses, etc.)
     v. to be, to stand (of indices, measurements)

     n. gerund of angehören
     v. to belong to (a group etc)

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