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The German word for to stand is

to stand

German Definition

     [1] der Ständer
     [2] der Stand (auf einer Ausstellung, Messe etc.)
     [3] die Tribüne
     [4] der Widerstand
     [1] stehen, aufstehen
     [2] (eine bestimmte) Größe, Höhe haben (the building stands 20 m high; das Gebäude hat eine Höhe von 20 m)
     [3] (einen bestimmten) Messwert aufweisen (Aktien, Thermometer, Wasserstand etc.)
     [4] bestehenbleiben (Angebot, Versprechen etc., my offer still stands)
     [5] kandidieren, sich zur Wahl stellen (to stand for, to stand election on)
     [6] jemanden vertreten (to stand proxy for somebody)
     [7] nautisch: Kurs nehmen auf (to stand in for; to stand towards something)
     [8] ausstehen, leiden (I can't stand it = Ich kann das nicht leiden)
     [9] stellen
     [10] ertragen (Klima, Wetter etc.)
     [11] ausgesetzt sein (Kritik etc.)
     [12] jemandem etwas ausgeben / spendieren (Essen, Getränk etc.)

Translations for stand and their definitions

     n-m. stand (a device to hold something upright or aloft)
     n-m. bicycle stand, bike rack (a device to which bicycles may be securely attached while not in use)
          (synonyms, Fahrradständer)
     n-m. kickstand (a levered bar that can be folded down from the frame of a bicycle or motorcycle to prop it upright when not being ridden)
          (synonyms, Fahrradständer)
     n-m. kickstand (a similar folding bar to prop up a mobile phone or similar device when it is being used on a surface)
     n-m. (slang) boner, stiffy, rod (a phallus in erect state)

     v. to stand (to be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position)
          Ich stehe an der Ecke. - I'm standing on the corner.
     v. to be, to appear, to stand (to be placed or located somewhere)
          Das steht nicht in dem Wörterbuch. - This does not appear in the dictionary.
     v. to stay; to be still
          Das Leben steht. - Life stands still.
     v. to stay, to stand, to be (in a certain state, position or circumstance)
          Das Haus steht leer. - The house stands empty.
          Das Team steht an der Spitze seiner Liga. - The team stands at the top of their league.
     v. to suit, to become (to look attractive on, of a garment, color etc.)
          Blau steht dir sehr gut! - Blue suits you very well!
          Der Tod steht ihr gut - Death Becomes Her (film title)
     v. (Swiss) to put, place
     v. (indtr, auf, .colloquial) to fancy
          Ich glaube sie steht nicht auf dich. - I don't think she fancies you.

     v. to get up (move from a sitting or lying position to a standing position; to get up from bed) (+aux, sein)
     v. to rise up, to rebel (+aux, sein)
     v. (colloquial) to rest (on something) (+aux, haben, sein)
     v. to be open (to not be closed or shut) (+aux, haben, sein)

     n-n. tripod

     v. to succeed, to pass (an exam)
          Er hat die Prüfung bestanden. - He has passed the exam.
     v. to consist (aus)
     v. to exist
          Durch geschicktes Management blieb die Firma auch im starken Wettbewerb bestehen. - By smart management the company survived in the strong competition.
     v. to insist (auf with dative)
          Er besteht darauf, dass dem Druck nicht nachgegeben wird. - He insists on not giving in to the pressure.

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     n. gerund of stellen
     n. plural of Stelle
          alle Ziffern sind signifikante Stellen. (All digits are significant figures.)
     v. to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
          Stell die Flasche auf den Boden! - Put the bottle on the floor!
     v.          (figuratively, abstractly) to pose, to lodge
                  Die Beklagte stellte den Antrag, die Klage abzuweisen. - The defendant lodged the application to reject the claim.
                  Kann ich dir eine Frage stellen? - Can I ask you a question?
     v.          to provide, to afford, to place at someone's disposal
                  Die Schutzbekleidung muss vom Arbeitgeber gestellt werden. - The protective gear must be provided by the employer.
                  Aus dem Sicherungsvertrage war die A-Gesellschaft verpflichtet, eine Bürgschaft zu stellen. - From the surety agreement the A company was obliged
     v.          to encounter and stop
                  Die Hunde haben den Hirsch gestellt. - The hounds stopped the stag.
                  Die Polizei stellte den Dieb. - The police stopped (and arrested) the thief.
     v.          to set, adjust
                  Müssen wir am Sonntag wieder die Uhren stellen? - Do we have to adjust the clocks again on Sunday?
     v. to expose oneself, to succumb, to come out to face, to confront
          Du musst dich der Gefahr stellen. - You have to face the danger.
          Der Dieb stellte sich der Polizei. - The thief surrendered to the police.
     v. to feign, to simulate, to pretend
          Es war alles nur gestellt! - It was all fake!
          Sie hatte ihre Krankheit nur gestellt. - She merely simulated her ailment.
          sich tot stellen - to play dead

     n. standing, state, status, position, situation
          Im Stande sein...zu - to be able to.
          jemandem in den Stand setzen,...zu - to enable someone to.
          Geld setzt einen in den Stand, alles zu kaufen - Money enables you to buy anything.
     n. estate
     n. booth, stand
     n. (Swiss) canton (state of Switzerland)
     v. first-person singular preterite of stehen
     v. third-person singular preterite of stehen

     n. standpoint
     n. stance, point of view (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs)

     v. to stand, to endure (+aux, haben)
     v. to be pending (+aux, haben, sein)
     v. to be overdue (+aux, haben, sein)
     v. to be displayed for sale (+aux, haben, sein)

     n. gerund of kandidieren
     v. to be a candidate


     v. to endure

     v. to put down
     v. to describe
     v. to build
     v. to stand; to park
     v. to present oneself (as), pretend (to be), to make oneself out (to be)

     n. kiosk
     n. convenience store
     n. a free-standing interactive digital display panel

     v. to stand, to take
          Ich kann dein ewiges Gemecker nicht mehr lange aushalten. - I can't stand your constant bleating much longer.
     v. to withstand

     v. to establish, to postulate
     v. to field (troops or eg a political candidate); to deploy
     v. to arrange, to set up, to erect
     v. to set (a record); to make (a plan, list etc.)
     v. to line up
     v. (regional) to put on (the fire, hob etc. to cook)

     v. to bear, to stand, to endure, to take, to suffer, to tolerate, to handle

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