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The German word for stop is


German Definition

     [1] (transitiv) im Kontext einer Bewegung: anhalten, stoppen
     [2] (transitiv) übertragen: beenden, abbrechen
     [3] (intransitiv) im Kontext einer Bewegung: anhalten, halten, stoppen
     [4] (intransitiv) übertragen: aufhören
          [1] The police officers stopped me because I drove to fast.
            Die Polizisten hielten mich an, da ich zu schnell fuhr.
          [2] The referees stopped the fight.
            Die Schiedsrichter beendeten den Kampf.
          [3] I stopped at the traffic lights.
            Ich hielt an der Ampel an.
          [4] It will stop raining soon.
            Es wird bald aufhören zu regnen.
     [1] Halt! Stopp!
     [1] Haltestelle
     [2] Pause, Unterbrechung
     [3] Tennis: Stoppball (kurz hinter das Netz geschlagener Ball)
     [4] Phonetik: Verschlusslaut
          [1] They saw each other at the bus stop.
            Sie sahen sich gegenseitig an der Bushaltestelle.
          [2] That stop was not planned.
            Diese Pause war nicht geplant.

Translations for stop and their definitions

     n-f. stop (place to get on and off line buses or trams)

     v. (with mit + noun or zu + infinitive) to stop; to quit; to cease
          Der Regen hört bestimmt gleich auf. - Surely the rain will stop soon.
          Hör damit auf und komm her! - Stop that and come here!
          Sie hat aufgehört zu rauchen. - -
          Sie hat mit dem Rauchen aufgehört. - She’s stopped smoking.
     v. (informal) to stop talking about something +preo, von
          Kannst du nicht mal davon aufhören? Das ist Jahre her. - Can’t you stop bringing it up? This was years ago.

     n. gerund of beenden
     v. to finish, to complete, to (bring/put to an) end
          Die Ankündigung beendete die Spekulationen über die Zukunft des Unternehmens. - The announcement put an end to speculation about the company's future.
     v. to terminate
     v. (computing) to exit

     n. stop, stoppage (interruption or halt of anything)

Anhalten ©
     n. gerund of anhalten
     v. to stop (cease moving)
          Wir müssen an der roten Ampel anhalten. - We have to stop at the red light.
     v. to continue, to last
          Das schlechte Wetter hält an. - The bad weather continues.
     v. to stop, to hold, to keep from moving
          Ich halte den Wagen an. - I'm stopping the car.
          den Atem/die Luft anhalten - to hold one's breath
          ein Taxi anhalten - to hail a taxi
     v. to urge, to encourage, to compel (to do something) (often by referring to the matter repeatedly)
     v. (dated outside of Austria, reflexive) to hold tight, to hold on to something or someone
     v. (dated, with um) to ask for
          um die Hand der Tochter anhalten - to ask for one's daughter's hand in marriage

stehen bleiben
     v. Alternative form of stehenbleiben

     v. (standard, transitive, or intransitive) to stop
          Wir müssen diese Entwicklung stoppen. - We must stop this development.
          Das Auto hat vor der Kreuzung gestoppt. - The car stopped at the crossroads.
     v. (colloquial regional northern and central Germany) Alternative form of stopfen, , to stuff, to plug
          Musste dein Zeug da so unvorsichtig reinstoppen? - D'you need to stuff your things in there so carelessly?

     n-n. register (formal recording of names, events, transactions etc.)
     n-n. (music) register (range of tones in the human voice)


     (we) darn
     to darn


     n. dot (marking an abbreviation)
     n. full stop, period (indicating end of sentence)
     n. point
     n. spot
     n. item (on a list)

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