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The German word for street is



The gender of Straße is feminine. E.g. die Straße.


The plural of Straße is Straßen.

German Definition

     [1] städtische oder dörfliche Straße
          [1] They build a new street.
            Sie bauen eine neue Straße.

Translations for street and their definitions

     n-f. street; road (a way wide enough to be passable for vehicles, generally paved, in or outside a settlement)
          Das Kind überquerte die Straße. - The child crossed the street.
          Diese Straße führt nach Kirchdorf. - This road goes to Kirchdorf.
          Die Straße ist für den Verkehr gesperrt. - The street is closed for traffic.
     n-f. carriageway (the part of a road or street used by vehicles, excluding the pavement, etc.)
     n-f. (figuratively) public, any area accessible to anyone
     n-f. (figuratively) general public, using the locale to describe people not part of a specific group
     n-f. the streets, areas or groups of people of no income or criminal affiliation, or the leading of a life associated with these
     n-f. strait (channel of water)
     n-f. (poker) straight
Image illustrating the German word Straße

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