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The German word for table is



The gender of Tisch is masculine. E.g. der Tisch.


The plural of Tisch is Tische.

German Definition

     [1] Tisch
          [1] The table is set for four persons.
             Der Tisch ist für vier Personen gedeckt.

Translations for table and their definitions

     n-f. table (grid of data in rows and columns)

     n. table (a piece of furniture with a relatively deep surface at roughly waist or knee level); (specific uses include:)
     n.          dining table, dinner table
                  Kommt, der Tisch ist gedeckt! - Come, the table is set!
     n.          desk (table used for writing)
                  Legen amerikanische Chefs wirklich die Füße auf den Tisch? - Do American bosses really put their feet on the desk?
     n.          bench, workbench (table at which manual work is done)
     n. (figuratively, now only in compounds and expressions) meal (food served or eaten as a repast)
          Herr Weber ist zu Tisch. - Mr Weber is at lunch.

     n-m. mirror (smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside, that reflects light)
          Sie hatte einen großen Spiegel. - She had a large mirror.
     n-m. level (of a liquid within a delimited space or a substance in a liquid mixture)
          Meeresspiegel - sea level
          Alkoholspiegel - alcohol level (amount in blood, for example)
          Testosteronspiegel - testosterone level
     n-m. surface (flat overside or up-side of a liquid)
     n-m. schematic overview, table (two-dimensional presentation of data)
          Notenspiegel - transcript (as in a set of notes that mirrors the conversation)
          Gehaltsspiegel - salary tables (pay levels)
     n-m. white or light-coloured mark (on an animal)
     n-m.          (on the forehead of horses and cattle)
                  Das Pony hatte einen hübsch geformten Spiegel auf der Stirn. - The pony had a nicely shaped mark on the forehead.
     n-m.          (on the wing of a goose, capercaillie, or black cock)
     n-m.          (on the hindquarters of deer)
     v. first-person singular present of spiegeln
     v. singular imperative of spiegeln

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