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The German word for track is



The gender of Weg is masculine. E.g. der Weg.


The plural of Weg is Wege.

German Definition

     [1] Fußspur, Fährte
     [2] Bahn
     [3] Bahngleis, Schiene
     [4] Musiktitel
          [1] His feet left a track in the sand.
            Seine Füße hinterließen eine Fußspur im Sand.
          [1] "It was very essential for Stapleton to get some article of Sir Henry's attire so that, in case he was driven to use the dog, he might always have the means of setting him upon his track."
          [1] Children raised in them [upper middle-class families] are on a different track to ordinary Americans, right from the very beginning[...]
            Kinder, die in oberen Mittelklassefamilien aufwachsen, sind auf einem ganz anderen Pfad, als die Kinder normaler Amerikaner, und zwar von Geburt an [...]

Translations for track and their definitions

Weg ©
     n. path, trail, track (usually for foot traffic)
          Der Wald kann gefährlich sein, also bleib auf dem Weg. - The forest can be dangerous, so stay on the path.
     n. route, way (to get from one place to another)
          Kennst du den Weg nach Schönebeck? - Do you know the way to Schönebeck?
          auf dem Weg - on the way
     n. method, way (of doing something)
          Wir haben einen Weg gefunden, Milch aus Hafer zu erhalten. - We found a way to extract milk from oats.
          Mittel und Wege - ways and means
     n. (with preposition) someone's planned course or path, the space needed for movement
          in den Weg - in the way
          aus dem Weg - out of the way
     adv. away
          Geh weg! - Go away!
     adv. gone, not there
          Meine Tasche ist weg. - My bag is gone.
          Das Rezept ist mit Knoblauch, aber du kannst ihn auch weglassen. - ... you can also leave it away.
     adv. (now rare) minus
     adv. (regional, Westphalia) from
          Wo bist du denn weg? - And you, where do you come from?
     adv. (informal) unconscious; passed out
     adv. (informal) hammered; so drunk as being close to unconsciousness

     n-n. railway (track on which trains run)
     n-n. (individual) track

     n-f. trace (rest of something that indicates its former presence; (by extension) any small amount)
     n-f. trail, track, spoor (path of signs leading somewhere, also e.g. through scent)
     n-f. lead, clue (evidence pointing to a solution)
     n-f. lane (of a street, road)
     n-f. (music) track
     n-f. (mathematics) trace (sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix)

Pfad ©
     n. path


     n-f. footprint

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