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Italian Phrase of the Day

ad uno ad uno


Italian > English
ad uno ad uno
     1. adv. one at a time; one by one
     1. prep. to, at, in (used before a vowel for euphony instead of (m, it, a))
           Dallo ad Adamo. - Give it to Adam.
     1. num. one
     2. adj. one
     3. art. an, a
     4. pron. someone, a person
           Sono uno a cui piace alzarsi presto. - I’m someone who likes getting up early or I’m a person who likes getting up early.
     1. prep. to, at, in (used before a vowel for euphony instead of (m, it, a))
           Dallo ad Adamo. - Give it to Adam.
     1. num. one
     2. adj. one
     3. art. an, a
     4. pron. someone, a person
           Sono uno a cui piace alzarsi presto. - I’m someone who likes getting up early or I’m a person who likes getting up early.

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