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Italian Phrase of the Day

come ti chiami


Italian > English
come ti chiami
     1. Phrase. (informal) What is your name? (Lit: What do you call yourself?)
     1. adv. how
           Come stai? - How are you? (informal)
           Come sta? - How are you? (formal)
     2. adv. as, like
           blu come il mare - as blue as the sea
     1. pron. of tu; [[you]]
     2. pron. second-person singular of si; [[you]]
     3. n. (music) ti (note)
     4. n. (music) B (note and scale)
     1. v. second-person singular present indicative of chiamare
     2. v. first-person singular present subjunctive of chiamare
     3. v. second-person singular present subjunctive of chiamare
     4. v. third-person singular present subjunctive of chiamare
     5. v. third-person singular imperative of chiamare
          1. v. to call
          2. v. to telephone
          3. v. to name
          4. v. to dub
ti chiami
          1. v. (reflexive) to be called or named
                Come ti chiami? - What's your name?
                Mi chiamo Fred. - My name is Fred.

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