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Italian Phrase of the Day

di punto in bianco


Italian > English
di punto in bianco
     1. adv. (idiom) abruptly, suddenly, out of the blue
     2. adv. (idiom) cold turkey
Italian > Italian
di punto in bianco
     1. espr. (gergale) improvvisamente, in modo inaspettato, con reazioni negative
           di punto in bianco ha iniziato ad urlare
     1. prep. (ngd, Used to indicate possession, after the thing owned and before the owner); ’s
           L’ira di Apollo - The wrath of Apollo
           la coda del cane - the dog’s tail
           Canto dello sciatore - Song of the skier
           Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo - Universal declaration of the Rights of the Man
     1. n. all senses, jot, iota
     2. n. full stop, period
     3. n. dot
     4. n. instant (point in time)
     5. n. (in the plural) points, score
          1. v. to prick
          2. v. to sting, bite (of an insect, etc.)
          3. v. to prickle, scratch
          1. v. to push, lean, rest, plant, brace
          2. v. to point, direct, aim, sight, set
          3. v. to bet, stake, gamble
          4. v. to point (of a gun dog)
          5. v. (intransitive, auxiliary verb avere) to head
     1. prep. in
           Ho qualcosa in tasca. - I have got something in my pocket.
           Partirò in primavera. - I will be leaving in spring.
           Vado in quinta elementare. - I'm in fifth grade of elementary school.
     2. prep. to
     1. adj. white
     2. n. white
     3. n. blank
     4. n. (feminine bianca) white man
     5. n. linen

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