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Italian Phrase of the Day

fino all'ultimo


Italian > English
fino all'ultimo
     1. adv. to the last, to the end
     2. adv. till the last minute
     1. prep. till, until, as far as
     2. adj. thin, fine
     1. contraction. contraction of a l'; to the, at the
          1. prep. in
          2. prep. at
          3. prep. to
          4. prep. Indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis
                A me non importa. - To me it doesn’t matter.
          1. art. the
          2. pron. (accusative) them (third-person plural feminine)
                Le ho viste. - I saw them.
          3. pron. (dative) her, to her
                Le ho detto che la amo. - I told her that I love her.
     1. adj. last
     2. adj. recent, current
     3. adj. pertaining to last month
     4. n-m. last one
     5. v. first-person singular present indicative of ultimare

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