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Italian Phrase of the Day

in merito a


Italian > English
in merito a
     1. prep. with regard to, concerning, regarding
           Ho raccolto altre informazioni in merito a questo. - I gathered more information about it.
     1. prep. in
           Ho qualcosa in tasca. - I have got something in my pocket.
           Partirò in primavera. - I will be leaving in spring.
           Vado in quinta elementare. - I'm in fifth grade of elementary school.
     2. prep. to
     1. adj. deserved
     2. adj. (rare) deserving, worthy
     3. n. merit
     4. v. first-person singular present indicative of meritare
          1. v. to deserve, merit
          2. v. (transitive, followed by di and passive) to be worth, to be worthing
                Il film merita di essere visto. - The film is worth seeing.
          3. v. to earn
     1. prep. in
     2. prep. at
     3. prep. to
     4. prep. Indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis
           A me non importa. - To me it doesn’t matter.

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