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Italian Phrase of the Day

meno male


Italian > English
meno male
     1. interj. thank goodness!; That's a good thing!; luckily!
     2. interj. (followed by che) It's a good thing that..; It's a good job that..; It was lucky for me (or you, her, etc) that..
           Meno male che hai finito! - it's a good thing that you finished!
           meno male che oggi non sono andato a lavorare perché c'è stata una bufera di neve nel pomeriggio! - it's a good thing that I didn't go to work today because there was a snowstorm this afternoon
     1. adv. less
     2. adv. not; non-
           Se l'abbia scritto o meno rimarrà sempre un segreto. - Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret.
           legalità o meno - legality or non-legality
     3. adv. (mathematics) minus
     1. adv. (comparative: peggio; superlative: malissimo)
     2. adv. badly, wrongly
     3. n. evil, harm
     4. n. pain, ache, illness, sickness, disease
     5. adj. feminine plural of malo

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