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Italian Phrase of the Day

per inciso


Italian > English
per inciso
     1. adv. incidentally, by the way
     1. prep. for
           Ma io l'ho fatto per te! - But I did it for you!
           Te lo vendo per appena trecento euro - I'll sell it you for only three hundred euro
           Ho studiato per tre ore - I studied for three hours
           Questo è il treno per Londra - This is the train for London
     1. v. past participle of incidere (feminine: incisa, masculine plural: incisi, feminine plural: incise)
     2. n. parenthesis
     3. n. aside
          1. v. to carve, engrave, incise, monogram or cut
          2. v. to affect, to influence
          3. v. to record

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