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Italian Phrase of the Day

punta dell'iceberg


Italian > English
punta dell'iceberg
     1. n. tip of the iceberg
     1. n. point, head, tip, top, peak, end
     2. n. pinch, touch, hint (small quantity)
     3. n. bit (of a drill)
     4. n. (football) forward, striker, attacker
     5. n. pile (of arrow or spear)
          1. v. to push, lean, rest, plant, brace
          2. v. to point, direct, aim, sight, set
          3. v. to bet, stake, gamble
          4. v. to point (of a gun dog)
          5. v. (intransitive, auxiliary verb avere) to head
     1. contraction. contraction of di la; of the, from the
     1. n. iceberg

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