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Italian Phrase of the Day

qualche volta


Italian > English
qualche volta
     1. adv. sometimes
     2. adv. some day
     1. adj. (a) few
           Ho qualche amico. - I have a few friends.
     2. adj. some, any
     3. adv. (rare, regional) some, about
     1. n. time, instance, occasion
           a volte - sometimes
           due volte alla settimana - twice a week
           tre volte tre fa nove - three times three is nine
     2. n. turn
          1. v. to turn
          2. v. (transitive, rare) to translate
          3. v. (intransitive) to turn
          1. adj. facing
          2. adj. concerning
          3. n. face
          4. v. masculine singular past participle of volgere
          5. v. masculine singular past participle of volvere

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