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Italian Sentence of the Day


Ho raccolto le ciliegie e ne ho fatto della marmellata


I picked the cherries and made some jam.


     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of avere (I have)
          1. v. to have
          2. v. (auxiliary) to have
          3. n. property, substance
          4. n. (in the plural) belongings
          5. n. credit, assets
          6. n. swag
     1. v. past participle of raccogliere (feminine: raccolta, masculine plural: raccolti, feminine plural: raccolte)
     2. v. past participle of raccogliersi
     3. adj. thoughtful, wrapped up
     4. adj. secluded
     5. adj. drawn up (of the legs etc)
     6. n. crop, harvest, yield
          1. v. to pick up, glean
          2. v. to pick, pluck, harvest, reap
          3. v. to bring together, assemble
     1. art. the
     2. pron. (accusative) them (third-person plural feminine)
     3. pron. (dative) her, to her
     4. pron. (dative) you, to you (term of respect)
     1. n. plural of ciliegia - cherries (fruit)
     ciliegia - cherries
     1. conj. and
     1. adv. from there
     2. pron. about it
     3. pron. of it
     4. pron. of them (sometimes not translated in English)
     5. contraction. apocopic form of it nel
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of avere (I have)
          1. v. to have
          2. v. (auxiliary) to have
          3. n. property, substance
          4. n. (in the plural) belongings
          5. n. credit, assets
          6. n. swag
     1. adj. done, made
     2. adj. fit, right, made
     3. adj. grown
     4. adj. (slang) stoned, baked, high, wasted, stuffed
     5. n. fact, event, occurrence, matter, affair, business, action, story
     6. v. past participle of fare (feminine: fatta, masculine plural: fatti, feminine plural: fatte)
     7. v. past participle of farsi
          1. v. to do
          2. v. to make
          3. v. to act
          4. v. to get someone to be something
          5. n. manner, way
     1. contraction. contraction of di la; of the, from the
          1. prep. (ngd, Used to indicate possession, after the thing owned and before the owner); ’s
          2. prep. from
          3. prep. ’s
          4. prep. than
          5. prep. (ngd, Used in superlative forms); in, of
          6. prep. about, on, concerning
          7. prep. (ngd, Expresses composition); of, made of, in or more often omitted
          8. prep. (followed by an infinitive) to or omitted
          9. prep. (ngd, Used with the definite article in partitive constructions); some
          10. prep. ngd, Used in some expressions in a partitive-like function, often without article.
          1. art. the
          2. pron. (accusative) her, it
          3. pron. (accusative, formal) you (term of respect)
          4. n. (music) la (musical note)
          5. n. (music) A (musical note and scale)
     1. n. jam (food)
     2. n. marmalade (when made from oranges)

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