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Italian Sentence of the Day


La temperatura al suolo è di 20 gradi.


The ground temperature is 20 degrees.


     1. pron. (formal) alternative case form of la (you)
     2. art. the
     3. pron. (accusative) her, it
     4. pron. (accusative, formal) you (term of respect)
     5. n. (music) la (musical note)
     6. n. (music) A (musical note and scale)
     1. n. temperature (a measure of cold or hot, of a body or environment)
     1. contraction. contraction of a il; to the, at the
     2. prep. (cooking, in the singular) with (an ingredient)
          1. prep. in
          2. prep. at
          3. prep. to
          4. prep. Indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis
          5. v. misspelling of ha
          1. art. the
     1. n. ground
     2. n. earth, soil
     3. v. first-person singular present indicative of suolare
          1. v. To (re)sole (shoes)
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of essere; is
          1. v. (intransitive, indicating existence, identity, location, or state) to be, to stay
          2. v. (auxiliary, used to form composite past tense of many intransitive verbs) to have (done something); to
          3. v. (impersonal, of a duration of time since an event) to have passed
          4. n. being
     1. prep. (ngd, Used to indicate possession, after the thing owned and before the owner); ’s
     2. prep. from
     3. prep. ’s
     4. prep. than
     5. prep. (ngd, Used in superlative forms); in, of
     6. prep. about, on, concerning
     7. prep. (ngd, Expresses composition); of, made of, in or more often omitted
     8. prep. (followed by an infinitive) to or omitted
     9. prep. (ngd, Used with the definite article in partitive constructions); some
     10. prep. ngd, Used in some expressions in a partitive-like function, often without article.
     1. n. plural of grado
          1. n. degree
          2. n. level
          3. n. rank
          4. n. grade
          5. n. (literary) satisfaction, liking, will

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