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361 keep in mind
          1. v. To remember; to be mindful of or pay attention to.
                Keep in mind that he does not hear too well, so you may have to speak loudly.
362 bringing out
          1. v. present participle of bring out
363 gold medal
          1. n. A medal made of, or having the colour of, gold, given as a prize for winning
          2. n. (by extension) Finishing in first position, winning
364 going down
          1. v. present participle of go down
365 bring up
                When you're in the basement, can you bring up the paints?
          1. v. To mention.
                Don't bring up politics if you want to have a quiet conversation with that guy.
          2. v. To raise (children).
                She did well enough bringing up two sons and a daughter on her own.
366 grammar school
          1. n. (archaic) A school that teaches its pupils the grammar system of a European language, especially Latin and Greek.
          2. n. (chiefly UK) A secondary school that stresses academic over practical or vocational education, until recent times open to those pupils who had passed the 11-plus examination.
          3. n. (US, rare regional) Elementary school.
367 sits in
          1. v. third-person singular present indicative of sit in
368 as of
          1. prep. At or by a specified time, with the implication that the said condition will be true from that time onward.
                All leave is cancelled as of now.
                The server will be down for maintenance as of tomorrow afternoon.
369 in jeopardy
370 sat down
          1. v. simple past tense and past participle of sit down
371 illegal immigrants
          1. n. plural of illegal immigrant
372 police officer
          1. n. A peace officer and member of a police force, i.e. policeman or policewoman.
373 at any moment
374 in search of
375 belong to
376 right away
          1. adv. Very soon; quickly; immediately.
                This item is urgent, so please start on it right away.
          2. adv. (dated) The traditional call to the driver of a train or other conveyance intimating that it is safe to move off immediately.
377 seen in
          1. v. past participle of see in
378 common sense
          1. n. Ordinary sensible understanding; one's basic intelligence which allows for plain understanding and without which good decisions or judgments cannot be made.
          2. n. (obsolete) An internal sense, formerly believed to be the sense by which information from the other five senses is understood and interpreted.
379 chemical weapons
          1. n. plural of chemical weapon
380 light up
          1. v. To illuminate, to bring light to something, to brighten.
          2. v. To show an increase in activity or a brightening of mood.
                He saw Mary and his face lit up.
          3. v. (intransitive) To light a cigarette, pipe etc.
                Smoking in this building is not allowed, so I always step outside to light up.
381 believe it or not
          1. adv. You may not believe this, but it is true.
382 flight of stairs
383 out of fashion
          1. prep. Unfashionable, not in fashion.
384 doing in
          1. v. present participle of do in
385 let's go
          1. Phrase. hortative of go.
                Let's go to the beach next Saturday.
          2. Phrase. Let us begin or get started. (qual, a call to put a plan into action)
          3. Phrase. (colloquial) Bring it on. (qual, an incitement to fight)
386 most of all
          1. adv. to a greater extent than anything else
387 middle name
          1. n. A name between the given name and the family name or surname
                I go by David but it's my middle name; my full name is William David Mason.
          2. n. (figuratively) A trait, activity, or action closely associated with or aptly describing a person.
                Think twice about playing for cash because "Poker" is her middle name.
          3. n. (Philippines) One's mother's maiden name.
388 left out
          1. adj. Not included or accepted in a group or event.
          2. v. simple past tense and past participle of leave out
389 putting on
          1. v. present participle of put on
390 done up
          1. v. past participle of do up
          2. adj. (colloquial, obsolete) Worn-out, exhausted.
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