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Welcome to our daily crossword, Level 2. You can play the crossword from this page or print it. When the flashing cursor is green, typing fills in the answers of the crossword across, when it is blue, typing fills in words down. Click the cursor again to change the direction, or select a clue to set the cursor. Click the grid on the bottom for accented letters.

No. 4180


1Happening once every year
4A cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection
8A tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard substances, in particular wood or metal
Perceived with the eyes
9Small sticks used for lighting a fire, made of wood or paper, at the tip coated with chemicals that ignite with the friction of being dragged (struck) against a rough dry surface
10To do or say again
12Consumed food
14(You) exist, or have the property of; the second-person singular present of be
15A large building that is fortified and contains many defences; in previous ages often inhabited by a nobleman or king
17Spins, turns, or revolves
20A head of real or synthetic hair worn on the head to disguise baldness, for fashion, or by actors to help them better resemble the character they are portraying
21The past participle of do
22Small garden tools with a handle and a flat blade for digging
One of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♠
1In addition; as well
2In no place
3The part of the human body from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand
5The solid remains of a fire
6Touches with the lips to show love or affection or passion, or as part of a greeting
7Sets of conditions applying at any given time
Nations; divisions of a federation
11To arouse or bring out (e.g. feelings); to stimulate
12Granted, let one have
13Strong aversion; intense dislike
16(Plural of) the number of full years, months, days, hours, etc., that someone, or something, has been alive
18A unit of weight (mass) equal to 1000 kilograms
19The juice of plants

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