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Daily Crossword - Advanced

Welcome to our daily crossword, Level 3. You can play the crossword from this page or print it. When the flashing cursor is green, typing fills in the answers of the crossword across, when it is blue, typing fills in words down. Click the cursor again to change the direction, or select a clue to set the cursor. Click the grid on the bottom for accented letters.

No. 2761


1A solemn promise to do something
4To rotate or revolve, usually quickly
7A gear, a toothed wheel used in machinery
8Waste material
10To reduce to smaller pieces by crushing
12Liquid fat
Petroleum-based liquid used as fuel or lubricant
14Strange, unusual
Indivisible by two; not even
15A board game for two players with each beginning with sixteen pieces moving according to fixed rules across a board with the objective to checkmate the opposing king
17The hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket
20A distilled spirit derived from fermented cane sugar and molasses
21To bias or distort in a particular direction
22To overcome in battle or contest
Walk to and fro in a small space
2Agreed to be married
3A device to restrain speech, such as a rag in the mouth secured with tape or a rubber ball threaded onto a cord or strap
A joke or other mischievous prank
5The edible seed of a legume plant
6A fine, sharp implement usually for piercing such as sewing, or knitting, acupuncture, tattooing, body piercing, medical injections, etc.
9The line along which two sloping surfaces meet which diverge towards the ground
11To bring upon oneself or expose oneself to, especially something inconvenient, harmful, or onerous; to become liable or subject to
12To notice or view carefully or with attention to detail
13The entrails or intestines; the internal organs of the stomach
16To send out or give off
18The day or night before, usually used for holidays, such as Christmas
19Great sadness or distress

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