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481 grows on
          1. v. third-person singular present indicative of grow on
482 cries out
          1. v. third-person singular present indicative of cry out
483 political prisoners
          1. n. plural of political prisoner
484 on account of
          1. prep. Because of, due to, owing to.
          2. prep. For the sake of.
          3. conj. (colloquial) On account of the fact that: because, since.
485 make use of
486 holds out
          1. v. third-person singular present indicative of hold out
487 bear witness
          1. v. To deliver a testimony, especially as witness
                He hesitated to bear witness against them in court for fear of reprisals by the felons' accomplices
          2. v. To prove, demonstrate
                The dubious state of the whole society bears witness of years of misrule
488 pubic hair
          1. n. (collectively) the hair that grows in the pubic region from puberty
          2. n. (in the singular) a single hair growing in the pubic region
489 as usual
          1. adv. As is usually the case.
490 hot chocolate
          1. n. A (serving of a) warm beverage made of cocoa and water or milk, often drunk during cold weather.
491 in contrast to
492 handed in
          1. v. simple past tense and past participle of hand in
493 clean up
          1. v. To make an area or a thing clean; to pick up a mess; to tidy.
                Clean up your room.
          2. v. (intransitive, idiomatic, colloquial) To become clean, handsome, smart in appearance, e.g. for a special occasion, especially when it is out of character to be seen as such.
                He sure cleans up nice.
          3. v. (intransitive, idiomatic) To make a large profit; to win by a large margin, or to win a large amount, especially in gambling. Also clean house.
494 break in
          1. v. (intransitive) To enter a place by force or illicit means.
                Someone broke in and stole his radio.
          2. v. (transitive, idiomatic) To cause (something, or someone, new) to function more naturally through use or wear
                These shoes will be more comfortable after I have broken them in.
          3. v. (transitive, of a horse) To tame; make obedient; to train to follow orders of the owner.
495 puts up
          1. v. third-person singular present indicative of put up
496 interfere with
497 ending up
          1. v. present participle of end up
498 good mood
499 here and there
          1. adv. In, at or to various places; in one place and another.
          2. adv. (uncommon) From time to time; intermittently, occasionally.
500 short stories
          1. n. plural of short story
501 hidden agendas
          1. n. plural of hidden agenda
502 important thing
503 in the name of
          1. prep. With appeal to; often used to introduce oaths
                In the name of all things sacred, please stop that screaming!
          2. prep. By the authority of.
                In the name of the law, come out with your hands up.
          3. prep. Under the name or possession of.
505 good will
          1. n. alt form, goodwill
506 make a mistake
          1. v. To err, to be wrong.
507 factor in
          1. v. (idiomatic, transitive) To consider as a factor.
                The apartment seemed like good value until we factored in the cost of the repairs.
508 in contrast
          1. prep. Contrarily.
509 most of the time
          1. adv. on most occasions; usually
510 call on
          1. v. (idiomatic, transitive) To visit (a person); to pay a call to.
                I really should call on my aunt more often.
          2. v. (idiomatic, transitive) To select (a student in a classroom, etc.) to provide an answer.
                He sat there, baffled, hoping nobody would call on him.
          3. v. (idiomatic, transitive) (also call upon) To request or ask something of (a person); to select for a task.
511 a handful
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