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151 in spite of
          1. prep. Despite, irrespective of, notwithstanding.
152 gets up
          1. v. third-person singular present indicative of get up
153 by the time
          1. prep. When (some future event has come to pass).
                I'll be an old man by the time you finish!
154 go down
                He went down the road to the store.
          1. v. To descend; to move from a higher place to a lower one.
                You'll need to go down two floors to get to that office.
          2. v.          (intransitive, of a heavenly body) To disappear below the horizon; to set.
                         It'll be cooler once the sun goes down.
155 found out
          1. v. simple past tense and past participle of find out
156 everything else
157 now and then
          1. adv. sometimes; occasionally; intermittently
                Call your mother now and then and let her know you care.
158 point of view
          1. n. A position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint.
                From an economist's point of view, business is all about money.
          2. n. An attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs.
                His point of view is that there is only one true religion.
          3. n. (literary theory) The perspective from which a narrative is related.
159 in other words
          1. prep. (conjunctive, idiomatic) Stated or interpreted another way; Used to introduce an explanation, simplification, or clarification.
                He has another appointment on Thursday. In other words, I don't think he'll be attending your gathering.
160 sit down
          1. v. (intransitive) To assume a sitting position from a standing position.
                Sit down! We have work to do.
          2. v. (transitive or reflexive) To cause to be seated or in a sitting posture; to furnish a seat to.
          3. v. (figurative) To meet formally at a conference table.
          4. v. To assume a low or sunken position.
161 and so on
          1. Phrase. Indicates that a list continues in a similar manner.
                Put things where you will use them: sponges next to the sink, knives next to the cutting board, and so on.
162 old man
          1. n. (slang) One's father.
                "He smacked me around some. Didn't everybody's old man?".
          2. n. (slang) A husband, or significant other.
          3. n. (slang) One's male employer.
                Synonyms: boss, governor
163 come home
164 for now
          1. prep. At the moment; until later.
                That's enough for now, we can continue our conversation tomorrow.
165 something else
          1. n. (informal) Something exceptional, out of the ordinary, unusual.
                My mother's cooking is something else!
166 in charge
          1. adj. Having the responsibility of leading or overseeing.
                He left his daughter in charge of watching her younger sisters.
          2. adj. Having the power of command or control.
                This internet browser puts you in charge of your personal settings.
          3. adj. (dated) Being in the care or custody of someone else.
167 ahead of
          1. prep. In front of.
                A hill loomed ahead of them.
          2. prep. Preceding.
                He's giving a series of concerts in London ahead of his international tour.
          3. prep. In the future of.
168 everyone else
          1. pron. All other persons.
169 in short
          1. prep. As a summary; as a shortened version of what has been told or what would have been told.
170 comes out
          1. v. third-person singular present indicative of come out
171 anyone else
          1. pron. Any other person.
                If you'd spoken to anyone else about it, you'd have heard a very different story.
                I haven't seen anyone else here besides you and me.
172 credit card
          1. n. A plastic card, usually with a magnetic strip or an embedded microchip, connected to a credit account and used to buy goods or services.
173 coming up
          1. v. present participle of come up
                Coming up on the left is a historical building worth noting.
                The conference is coming up soon and she hasn't finished preparing her presentation for it yet.
                Breakfast is coming right up, as soon as the toast is done.
174 a major
175 care for
          1. v. To attend to the needs of, especially in the manner of a nurse or personal aide.
                I cared for my ailing mother for five years.
          2. v. To like or appreciate; to consider to be appealing, tasteful, or suitable.
176 human rights
          1. n. plural of human right
          2. n. The basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.
177 opposed to
178 in addition
          1. adv. (conjunctive, idiomatic) Also; as well; besides.
179 or so
          1. Phrase. Roughly, approximately.
                How many people came to the party? – Thirty or so.
                Add about a quart or so of milk and stir.
                It was about half full or so.
180 coming to
          1. v. present participle of come to
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