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721 coup de fil
          1. n-m. (informal) telephone call, ring, call, bell
                Donne-moi un coup de fil (Give me a call)
722 disque dur
          1. n-m. (computing) hard drive (device used for storing large amounts of data)
723 bon marché
          1. adj. cheap, inexpensive
724 mettre de côté
          1. v. to put aside
                On espère que les ennemis vont mettre de côté leurs différends et négocier. - We hope the adversaries will put aside their differences and negotiate.
          2. v. to put aside, to save (money)
                J'ai mis un peu d'argent de côté. - I have put a bit of money aside.
725 bleu clair
726 énergie atomique
          1. n-f. atomic energy
727 bonnet de nuit
          1. n-f. nightcap (clothing)
          2. n-f. (colloquial) wet blanket; killjoy
728 jours fériés
          1. n. plural of jour férié
729 médecin traitant
          1. n-m. regular doctor, personal doctor, attending physician, referring physician
                Qui est votre médecin traitant ?
730 valets d'écurie
          1. n. plural of valet d'écurie
731 parts de marché
          1. n. plural of part de marché
732 venir de
          1. v. to come from, to be from, to originate from
                Ces pommes viennent d'Espagne - These apples come from Spain
          2. v. to have just done (+obj, infinitive)
                Je viens de me réveiller - I've just got up
                Tu viens de chanter la ballade - You've just sung the ballad
733 quart de finale
          1. n-m. quarterfinal (round of eight)
734 de part et d'autre de
735 clef de voûte
          1. n-f. keystone (of a vault)
          2. n-f. (architectural element) boss
736 sens dessus dessous
          1. adj. (turned) upside-down
737 tempête de neige
          1. n-f. snowstorm (bad weather involving blowing winds and snow)
738 médecin légiste
          1. n-m. (law) coroner, medical examiner
739 baleine à bosse
          1. n-f. humpback whale
740 mais oui
          1. interj. of course
                « Tu l'as vu ? » « Mais oui ! » - “You saw it?” “Of course!”
741 séance tenante
          1. adv. (law) from the bench; without adjourning to deliberate
          2. adv. (formal) then and there, on the spot, right away, forthwith
742 bouc émissaire
          1. n-m. scapegoat (someone punished for someone else's error(s))
743 à l'œuvre
          1. adj. at play, at work, in action, operating
744 en vouloir
          1. v. (indtr, à) to be angry (with)
                en vouloir à la terre entière - to be angry with the entire earth
                s'en vouloir - to be angry with oneself, to be annoyed with oneself, to feel bad about something
          2. v. to be a go-getter, to have a go-getter attitude
745 quitte à
          1. adv. since, given that
          2. adv. at the risk of, however much
                il adore faire le show quitte à dépasser les bornes - He loves showboating at the risk of stepping over the mark
746 gaz naturel
          1. n-m. natural gas
          2. n-m. automobile fuel sold in petroleum stations in the Canadian province of Alberta
747 s'arracher les cheveux
          1. v. (figuratively) to despair, to tear one's hair out
748 Chine continentale
          1. Proper noun. mainland China
749 levers de soleil
          1. n. plural of lever de soleil
750 purement et simplement
          1. adv. purely and simply
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