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Common German Phrases

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91 ich liebe dich
          1. Phrase. I love you
92 s. u.
          1. Phrase. initialism of siehe unten, , see below
93 es schaffen
94 sah wieder
          1. v. first-person singular preterite of wiedersehen
          2. v. third-person singular preterite of wiedersehen
95 dicht auf den Fersen
          1. adj. hot on the heels
96 Buch mit sieben Siegeln
          1. Phrase. (Christianity, biblical) the book with seven seals mentioned in Revelation of John, verses 5:1 ff.
          2. Phrase. (figurative) closed book (something considered very hard to understand)
                Christliche Mythologie ist ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln für mich. - Christian mythology is a book with seven seals to me.
97 Bundesrepublik Deutschland
          1. Proper noun. Federal Republic of Germany, t2=Germany (a country in Central Europe)
98 Knecht Ruprecht
          1. Proper noun. A farmhand or servant character who accompanies St. Nicholas to help him and, traditionally, to punish naughty children with his rod.
99 das Handtuch werfen
          1. v. to throw in the towel
100 rückgängig machen
          1. v. to undo, to reverse
101 mitgehen lassen
          1. v. to steal, to pilfer i, especially while being some place for some other purpose
                Letztens hab ich im Laden zwei CDs mitgehen lassen. - I recently pilfered two CD's in the store.
          2. v. to take (something) (i, possibly because one forgets to put it back)
                Er hat wieder mal mein Feuerzeug mitgehen lassen. - Once again he took my lighter.
102 am hellichten Tag
          1. adv. Superseded spelling of am helllichten Tag
103 ich heiße
          1. Phrase. my name is...
104 im großen Stil
          1. adv. on a large scale
105 rote Karte
          1. n. red card
          2. n. (football) straight red card
106 laufen lassen
          1. v. to release (literally: "to let run")
                Im Gegenzug ließ die russische Regierung amerikanische Spione laufen. - In return the Russian government has released American spies.
          2. v. to leave running
                Lass den Motor laufen. - Leave the motor running.
107 vier Buchstaben
          1. n. (plurale tantum, euphemistic, idiomatic) buttocks, bottom, rear end
108 na klar
          1. interj. sure, sure thing, of course
109 im Nu
          1. adv. in no time
110 danke schön
          1. interj. thank you very much
111 gute Besserung
          1. Phrase. Get well soon, a phrase indicating hope that the listener recovers from physical illness.
112 Volksrepublik China
          1. n. People's Republic of China (official name of China)
113 grüß Gott
          1. interj. (southern Germany, Austria) hello
114 gefallener Engel
          1. n. fallen angel (angel who was exiled from heaven)
115 Wurzeln schlagen
          1. v. to put down roots
116 starker Tobak
          1. n. (figuratively, idiomatic) strong stuff, strong meat
117 rund um die Uhr
          1. adv. around the clock, 24/7
118 Tag der Deutschen Einheit
          1. Proper noun. German Unity Day, the national holiday of the Federal Republic of Germany
          2. Proper noun.          (historical, 1954 – 1990) 17 June, the anniversary of the East German uprising of 1953
          3. Proper noun.          (since 1990) 3 October, the anniversary of German reunification in 1990
119 pro Kopf
          1. Phrase. per capita
120 Rad fahren
          1. v. to cycle, to ride a bike
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