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340 allen
     1. pron. masculine accusative singular of alles
     2. pron. dative plural of alles
     3. pron. Genitive singular masculine and neutral gender forms of alles ("all") for strong Substantives.
          1. pron. (indefinite) everything; all
          2. pron. (indefinite, chiefly colloquial, appositional) all (as in "we all" etc.)
341 reden
     1. v. to talk, to speak, to orate
           Der Präsident wird in seiner Ansprache über die Wirtschaft reden. - The President will talk about the economy in his address.
     2. v. to talk, to reveal (something secret)
           Trotz der Befragung durch die Polizei hat der Verdächtige nicht geredet. - Despite questioning by the police, the suspect didn't talk.
     3. v. to say (something), to speak (in a language, etc.)
342 helfen  ©
     1. v. (with dative) to help (someone); to assist; to aid + bei (object) = with
           Ich habe ihnen bei der Reparatur des Wagens geholfen. - I helped them with the repair of the car.
           Dieses Mittel hilft dabei, Probleme beim Wasserlassen und Inkontinenz. - This product helps to reduce urinary problems and incontinence.
343 einige  ©
     1. pron. feminine singular of einig
     2. pron. plural of einig
     3. adj. form of einig
          1. v. to unite or unify (for example a group of people)
          2. v. to agree, to reach an agreement
          3. pron. dative plural of einige
344 dies
     1. pron. Alternative form of dieses
345 Frauen
     1. womenn. plural of Frau
          1. n-f. woman (adult female human)
          2. n-f. wife (married woman, especially in relation to her spouse)
          3. n-f. a title of courtesy, equivalent to Mrs/Ms, (n-g, which has nearly replaced Fräulein in the function of) Miss
346 Abend
     1. n-m. evening; the time from dusk onwards (unlike in English, now generally including the first hours of the night, until midnight)
347 keiner
     1. pron. none
     2. pron. no one, nobody
           Keiner fühlte sich verantwortlich. - Nobody felt responsible.
     3. pron. neither
           keiner von uns / euch / ihnen - neither of us / you / them
348 halten
     1. v. to hold
     2. v. to stop; to halt; to hold back
           Haltet den Dieb! - Stop the thief!
     3. v. to support; to hold up
     4. v. to keep; to maintain; to hold
349 Land
     1. n. country (territory of a nation)
     2. n. state, province (political division of a federation retaining a notable degree of autonomy)
     3. n. land (real estate or landed property)
     4. n. land (part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water)
     5. n. country, countryside (rural area, as opposed to a town or city)
350 wirst
     1. v. second-person singular present of werden
          1. v. (auxiliary) will; to be going (to do something); forms the future tense
          2. v. (auxiliary) would; forms the subjunctive tense of most verbs
          3. v. (auxiliary) to be done; forms the passive voice
351 alten
     1. adj. form of alt
          1. adj. old
          2. adj. ancient
          3. adj. elderly (inflected in the comparative)
352 Fall
     1. n. fall, drop (the act of falling or an instance thereof)
           freier Fall - free fall
     2. n. fall, capture (the act of being seized by enemy forces)
           der Fall von Konstantinopel - the fall of Constantinople
     3. n. fall; the loss of one's innocence, honour, reputation, fortune, etc.
353 neuen
     1. adj. form of neu
          1. adj. new
354 würden
     1. v. first-person plural subjunctive of werden
     2. v. third-person plural subjunctive of werden
          1. v. (auxiliary) will; to be going (to do something); forms the future tense
          2. v. (auxiliary) would; forms the subjunctive tense of most verbs
          3. v. (auxiliary) to be done; forms the passive voice
355 lang  ©
     1. adj. long; lengthy (in space or time)
     2. adj. (of a person) tall
     3. adj. (with units of time, chiefly Jahre) many (indicating the length of the time in total)
           Er hat lange Jahre damit verbracht, diese Frage zu erörtern. - He spent many years reasoning about this question.
     4. adv. (chiefly colloquial, but also found in formal style) Alternative form of lange
          1. v. (colloquial southern) to reach for something, to grab
          2. v. (colloquial southern) to pass, to hand something to someone
          3. v. (colloquial southern) to suffice, to be enough
          4. adj. form of lang
356 vier
     1. num. (cardinal) four (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 4; or describing a set with four elements)
357 Moment
     1. n. moment
     2. n. (physics) momentum
358 wurden
     1. v. first-person plural preterite of werden
     2. v. third-person plural preterite of werden
          1. v. (auxiliary) will; to be going (to do something); forms the future tense
          2. v. (auxiliary) would; forms the subjunctive tense of most verbs
          3. v. (auxiliary) to be done; forms the passive voice
359 mach
     1. v. singular imperative of machen
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