900 |
treffen |
1. v. to meet; to encounter |
Wir treffen uns morgen. - See you tomorrow. (Lit. "We'll meet each other tomorrow".) |
2. v. to hit; to strike |
3. v. to affect; to concern |
4. v. to hit the mark, to suit, to be convenient or fortunate |
901 |
bekannt |
1. Participle. past participle of bekennen |
2. adj. known, familiar (für + accusative) |
Mittelmeerländer sind bekannt für ihre gutes Olivenöl. - Mediterranean countries are known for their olive oil. |
Asbest ist dafür bekannt, Krebs zu verursachen. - Asbestos is known to cause cancer. |
bekennen |
1. v. to confess, to admit |
2. v. to bear witness, to avow |
3. v. to pledge oneself (to), to commit (to), to declare one's affiliation (with), to take a stand (on) |
902 |
nimm |
1. v. singular imperative of nehmen |
2. v. colloquial of |
nehmen |
1. v. to take (something into one's possession or on one's body) |
2. v. (ditransitive) to take from |
3. v. to hold (in one's hands), to grasp |
903 |
anderer |
1. adj. other, different |
ein and(e)rer Mann - another man |
das Geld and(e)rer Leute - other people's money |
mit jemand ander(e)m sprechen - to talk with someone else |
etwas völlig anderes - something completely different |
904 |
Ahnung |
1. n-f. anticipation, inkling |
2. n-f. clue, idea, notion |
905 |
legen |
1. v. to lay, to put, to place, to position, so that it afterwards lies as opposed to being setzen, stellen |
Leg deine Sachen auf den Stuhl! - Put your things on the chair! |
Ich lege mich auf das Bett. - I lie down on the bed. |
Eier legen - to lay eggs |
ein Feuer legen - to set a fire |
906 |
Opfer |
1. n-n. sacrifice |
2. n-n. victim |
3. n-n. (offensive slang) wimp (someone weak or dependent; one who cannot stand up for themself) |
907 |
ständig |
1. adj. permanent, constant |
Er ist ein ständiger Gast im Hotel. - He's a permanent guest at the hotel. |
2. adj. persistent, incessant, constant |
Ich bin fertig mit deinem ständigen Jammern. - I've had enough of your constant whining. |
3. adv. permanently |
908 |
zufrieden |
1. adj. content, satisfied |
zufrieden stellen. - to satisfy, to please. |
Man kann nicht alle Menschen zufrieden stellen. - You can't please everyone. |
909 |
neues |
1. adj. form of neu |
neu |
1. adj. new |
910 |
wen |
1. pron. interrogative accusative of wer: whom (direct object). |
Wen hast du gefragt? - Whom did you ask? |
911 |
fühlte |
1. v. first-person singular preterite of fühlen |
2. v. third-person singular preterite of fühlen |
3. v. first-person singular subjunctive of fühlen |
4. v. third-person singular subjunctive of fühlen |
fühlen |
1. v. to feel (a thing, sensation, emotion) |
2. v. to feel (somehow) |
912 |
Schüler |
1. n-m. (school) pupil, student, schoolboy (male or of unspecified gender) |
2. n-m. disciple (male or of unspecified gender) |
913 |
deutlich |
1. adj. articulate, clear |
2. adj. distinct |
3. adj. considerable |
deutlicher Fortschritt. - significant progress. |
4. adv. distinctly, clearly |
914 |
lebt |
1. v. third-person singular present of leben |
leben |
1. v. to live, to be alive |
2. v. to dwell, to reside |
3. v. to live, to exist, to occupy a place |
915 |
lasse |
1. v. first-person singular present of lassen |
2. v. first-person singular subjunctive of lassen |
3. v. third-person singular subjunctive of lassen |
4. v. singular imperative of lassen |
lassen |
1. v. to allow; to permit; to let |
2. v. to have someone (do something); to have (something done); to make (something happen); to cause (something to be done) |
916 |
ah |
1. interj. expressing understanding |
2. interj. expressing contentment |
917 |
eure |
1. det. feminine singular of euer i;referring to a feminine or plural noun in the nominative or accusative |
2. det. plural of euer i;referring to a feminine or plural noun in the nominative or accusative |
918 |
Ihrer |
1. pron. yours (i, polite/formal; both singular and plural) |
2. pron. genitive of Sie i;addressing politely or formally one or more people |
3. det. feminine singular of IhrDeterminer |
4. det. genitive plural of IhrDeterminer |
919 |
dennoch |
1. adv. anyhow, however |