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Advanced English Word of the Day



English > English
     1. n. An arthropod in the class Insecta, characterized by six legs, up to four wings, and a chitinous exoskeleton.
           Our shed has several insect infestions, including ants, yellowjackets, and wasps.
     2. n. (colloquial) Any small arthropod similar to an insect including spiders, centipedes, millipedes, etc
           The swamp is swarming with every sort of insect.
     3. n. (derogatory) A contemptible or powerless person.
           The manager’s assistant was the worst sort of insect.

Example Sentences

Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there. 
The wicked witch cast an evil spell on the man and turned him into an insect. 
They are nature's laboratory for all kinds of plant, animal and insect life. 

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