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English Phrase of the Day

apart from


English > English
apart from
     1. prep. except for; besides
     1. adv. Placed separately (in regard to space or time).
     2. adv. In a state of separation, of exclusion, or of distinction, as to purpose, use, or character, or as a matter of thought; separately; independently.
           Consider the two propositions apart.
     3. adv. Aside; away.
     4. adv. In or into two or more parts.
     1. prep. With the source or provenance of or at.
           This wine comes from France.
           I got a letter from my brother.
     2. prep. With the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at.
           He had books piled from floor to ceiling.

Example Sentences

It's easier when you're apart from your guru. 
Apart from the water aspect, you can imagine what it does for sanitation. 
Their immediate problem is that no one else very much wants to serve under them, apart from a miscellaneous group of other central and east Europeans. 
But that is something different, piety at best, sanctimoniousness at worst, and it is a world apart from holiness. 
His days, apart from a half-hour's exercise, are spent gently dozing, with the occasional interruption for pampering. 

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