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English Phrase of the Day

at all


English > English
at all
     1. prep. Indicating degree, quantity or frequency greater than zero: to the slightest degree, in any way, somewhat, rather.
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     1. prep. In, near, or in the general vicinity of a particular place.
           Caesar was at Rome;  at the corner of Fourth Street and Vine;  at Jim’s house
     2. prep. (indicating time) (Indicating occurrence in an instant of time or a period of time relatively short in context or from the speaker's perspective.)
           at six o’clock;  at closing time;  at night.
     3. prep. In the direction of (often in an unfocused or uncaring manner).
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     1. adv. (degree) intensifier.
           It suddenly went all quiet.
           She was all, “Whatever.”
     2. adv. (poetic) Entirely.
     3. adv. Apiece; each.

Example Sentences

That's not it at all
You have no control at all
Not what I expected at all
Weren't they moved at all
That's not cool at all

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last resortscrewed upby the wayno one
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