English > English
back seat
1. n. Any of the seats in the rear of a vehicle.
2. n. (informal, especially in the expression take a back seat) A lesser or inferior position; a position of deliberate noninvolvement, in which decision-making or leadership is left to others.
1. adj. (not comparable) Near the rear.
Go in the back door of the house.
2. adj. (not comparable) Not current.
I’d like to find a back issue of that magazine.
3. adj. (not comparable) Far from the main area.
© 1. n. Something to be sat upon.
2. n. A place in which to sit.
There are two hundred seats in this classroom.
3. n. The horizontal portion of a chair or other furniture designed for sitting.
He sat on the arm of the chair rather than the seat, which always annoyed his mother.