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English Phrase of the Day

by definition


English > English
by definition
     1. prep. According to, or as a matter of, definition.
           This property holds for all polygons; and since, by definition, all triangles are polygons, it holds for all triangles.
     2. prep. Necessarily; always; certainly.
           Almost by definition, a conversation requires both parties to accept each other's viewpoints to some extent.
     1. prep. Near or next to.
           The mailbox is by the bus stop.
     2. prep. At some time before (the given time), or before the end of a given time interval.
           Be back by ten o'clock!  We will send it by the first week of July.
     3. prep. Indicates the actor in a clause with its verb in the passive voice: Through the action or presence of.
     1. n. (semantics, lexicography) A statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol (dictionary definitions).
     2. n. A statement expressing the essential nature of something; formulation
     3. n. The action or process of defining.
     4. n. The act of defining; determination of the limits.
     5. n. A product of defining.

Example Sentences

So by definition, it is unfamiliar. 
The new nationalism was linked to Christianity, and claimed a mystical union between tribe and state which, by definition, excluded Jews. 
Live-in nannies, by definition, have no bills to pay. 
I meant only that there is a slight similarity in that conscription, by definition, is involuntary. 

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