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English Phrase of the Day

damn it


English > English
damn it
     1. interj. (US) An expression of surprise, outrage or frustration.
     1. v. (theology, transitive, intransitive) To condemn to hell.
           The official position is that anyone who does this will be damned for all eternity.
           Only God can damn. — I damn you eternally, fiend!
     2. v. To condemn; to declare guilty; to doom; to adjudge to punishment.
     3. v. To put out of favor; to ruin; to label negatively.
     1. pron. The third-person singular personal pronoun that is normally used to refer to an inanimate object or abstract entity, also often used to refer to animals.
           Put it over there.
           Take each day as it comes.
           I heard the sound of the school bus - it was early today.
     2. pron. A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a child, especially of unknown gender.

Example Sentences

No he didn't, damn it
But damn it, there's so many people on this wagon, and it's full, so why would I want to. 
That's not the sub text, damn it

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