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English Phrase of the Day

give way


English > English
give way
     1. v. To yield to persistent persuasion.
           The mother gave way to her crying child.
     2. v. To collapse or break under physical stresses.
           After years of neglect, the rusty old bridge could give way at any time.
     3. v. To be followed, succeeded, or replaced by.
           Winter gave way to spring.
     4. v. To give precedence to other road users.
           At the crossing, cars must give way to pedestrians.
     5. v. To allow another person to intervene to make a point or ask a question whilst one is delivering a speech.
     6. v. (mostly, imperative, as command to the crew) To begin rowing.
give  ©
     1. v. (ditransitive) To move, shift, provide something abstract or concrete to someone or something or somewhere.
     2. v.          To transfer one's possession or holding of (something) to (someone).
                   I gave him my coat.
                   I gave my coat to the beggar.
                   When they asked, I gave my coat.
way  ©
     1. n. To do with a place or places.:
     2. n.          A road, a direction, a (physical or conceptual) path from one place to another.
                   Do you know the way to the airport?  Come this way and I'll show you a shortcut.  It's a long way from here.
     3. n.          A means to enter or leave a place.
                   We got into the cinema through the back way.

Example Sentences

The hiring freezes and prolonged hiring cycles that have been features of the employment landscape for the past two years will most likely give way to renewed hiring activity. 

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