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English Phrase of the Day

grow up


English > English
grow up
     1. v. (intransitive) To mature and become an adult.
           What do you want to be when you grow up?
     2. v. (intransitive) To start to develop; to flourish.
           Socialism grew up in the industrial cities.
     3. v. (intransitive, idiomatic) To stop acting as or like a child (often used as an imperative interjection).
           Will you grow up please, and stop making silly faces?
     1. v. To become bigger.
           Children grow quickly.
     2. v. (intransitive) To appear or sprout.
           Flowers grew on the trees as summer approached.
           A long tail began to grow from his backside.
     1. adv. Away from the surface of the Earth or other planet; in opposite direction to the downward pull of gravity.
           I looked up and saw the airplane overhead.
     2. adv. (intensifier) Used as an aspect marker to indicate a completed action or state Thoroughly, completely.
           I will mix up the puzzle pieces.
           Tear up the contract.

Example Sentences

Do you want him to grow up like some damn fairy? 
I shared my vision about my plans for where they ought to grow and why I thought it would look good if they'd grow up the trellis. 
The nightmare we see all around us is because people can't grow up, they're clinging to their childhood, and children are the cruelest of all. 

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