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English Phrase of the Day

jigsaw puzzle


English > English
jigsaw puzzle
     1. n. A type of puzzle in which the aim is to reconstruct a picture that has been cut (originally, with a jigsaw) into many small interlocking pieces.
     1. n. A saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade which can cut curves in wood or metal.
     2. n. A jigsaw puzzle.
     3. v. To cut something using a jigsaw.
     1. n. Anything that is difficult to understand or make sense of.
           Where he went after he left the house is a puzzle.
     2. n. A game for one or more people that is more or less difficult to work out or complete.
     3. n. A crossword puzzle.
     4. n. A jigsaw puzzle.

Example Sentences

They were trying to piece the jigsaw puzzle together and needed some help. 

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