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English Phrase of the Day

last but not least


English > English
last but not least
     1. adv. An expression to start the last item of a list, emphasising that while it is listed last, it is just as important as the rest of the items.
last  ©
     1. adj. Final, ultimate, coming after all others of its kind.
           “Eyes Wide Shut” was the last film to be directed by Stanley Kubrick.
     2. adj. Most recent, latest, last so far.
           The last time I saw him, he was married.
           I have received your note dated the 17th last, and am responding to say that....   (archaic usage)
but  ©
     1. prep. (obsolete, outside, Scotland) Outside of.
           Away but the hoose and tell me whae's there.
     2. prep. Apart from, except (for), excluding.
           Everyone but Father left early.
           I like everything but that.
not  ©
     1. adv. Negates the meaning of the modified verb.
           Did you take out the trash? No, I did not.
           Not knowing any better, I went ahead.
     2. adv. To no degree.
           That is not red; it's orange.
least  ©
     1. det. superlative form of little: most little; the smallest amount of something.
           He earns the least money in his family.   Of all the sisters, she has the least patience.   I can only afford to pay the least of the bills.
     2. adv. Used for forming superlatives of adjectives, especially those that do not form the superlative by adding -est.
           It was the least surprising thing.
     3. adv. In the smallest or lowest degree; in a degree below all others.

Example Sentences

Last but not least, our mystery is topped off by one large and very priceless ruby. 

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