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English Phrase of the Day

nowhere else


English > English
nowhere else
     1. adv. (set phrase) In no other place.
           Nowhere else will you find such skillful craftsmanship.
nowhere  ©
     1. adv. In no place.
           Nowhere did the rules say anything about popcorn.
     2. adv. To no place.
           We sat in traffic, going nowhere.
     3. adj. Unimportant; unworthy of notice.
else  ©
     1. adj. (postpositive, used only with indefinite or interrogative pronouns) Other; in addition to previously mentioned items.
           The instructor is busy. Can anyone else help me?
     2. adv. (follows interrogative adverbs) Otherwise, if not.
           How else (=in what other way) can it be done?
           I'm busy Friday; when else (=what other time) works for you?

Example Sentences

There is a primeval rainforest which is home to thousands of plant and animal species found nowhere else

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