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English Phrase of the Day

on all fours


English > English
on all fours
     1. adj. On one's hands and knees.
     2. adj. (idiomatic, often followed by "with") Similar in nature or effect to something else; consistent.
     3. adv. On one's hands and knees.
     4. adv. (idiomatic, often followed by "with") In a manner which is similar in nature or effect to something else; consistently.
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     1. adj. In the state of being active, functioning or operating.
     2. adj. Performing according to schedule.
           Are we still on for tonight?
           Is the show still on?
     3. adj. (chiefly UK, informal, usually negative) Acceptable, appropriate.
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     1. adv. (degree) intensifier.
           It suddenly went all quiet.
           She was all, “Whatever.”
     2. adv. (poetic) Entirely.
     3. adv. Apiece; each.
     1. n. plural of four
     2. n. (poker slang) A pair of fours.
          1. num. (cardinal) A numerical value equal to 4; the number after three and before five; two plus two. This many dots (••••)
                There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn.
          2. num. Describing a set or group with four elements.
          3. n. The digit or figure 4; an occurrence thereof.
          4. n. Anything measuring four units, as length.

Example Sentences

By the end, the other child also ends up running on all fours, as if becoming a beast as well. 

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