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English Phrase of the Day

on foot


English > English
on foot
     1. prep. Walking, jogging or running but not in a vehicle or on the back of an animal
           The pub's not far: let's go on foot.
     2. prep. (of a person) Traveling without a vehicle.
           He scouted out their encampment while they were sleeping. They were on foot, but with sledges.
     1. adj. In the state of being active, functioning or operating.
     2. adj. Performing according to schedule.
           Are we still on for tonight?
           Is the show still on?
     3. adj. (chiefly UK, informal, usually negative) Acceptable, appropriate.
     1. n. A biological structure found in many animals that is used for locomotion and that is frequently a separate organ at the terminal part of the leg.
           A spider has eight feet.
     2. n. (anatomy) Specifically, a human foot, which is found below the ankle and is used for standing and walking.
           Southern Italy is shaped like a foot.
     3. n. (often used attributively) Travel by walking.

Example Sentences

In short, you can't fight a man on a horse when you're on foot
They ran off on foot towards the main road to Belfast. 

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