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English Phrase of the Day

on top


English > English
on top
     1. adv. In a dominant position.
           At the end of the season, Manchester United came out on top.
on  ©
     1. adj. In the state of being active, functioning or operating.
     2. adj. Performing according to schedule.
           Are we still on for tonight?
           Is the show still on?
     3. adj. (chiefly UK, informal, usually negative) Acceptable, appropriate.
top  ©
     1. n. The highest or uppermost part of something.
           His kite got caught at the top of the tree.
     2. n.          (irrespective of present orientation) the part of something that is usually the top.
                   We flipped the machine onto its top.
     3. n.          The uppermost part of a page, picture, viewing screen, etc.

Example Sentences

Quite a plum on top of revenge. 
On top of my grandfather's headstone. 
This movie will win best picture, the actors will win Oscars, and I'll be on top of the world! 
Wrap with clingfilm and place another heavy tray on top
Once sat, they simultaneously rest one leg on top of the other, and rest their chins on their hands. 

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