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English Phrase of the Day

out of order


English > English
out of order
     1. prep. (idiom) Out of normal sequence.
           You've got my index cards out of order again.
     2. prep. Not functioning properly.
           The lift is always out of order.
     3. prep. Inappropriate or unsuitable.
           I suppose my remarks about his wife were out of order.
           See also individual phrasal verbs such as come out, go out, put out, take out, pull out, and so on.
     1. adv. Away from the inside or the centre.
           The magician pulled the rabbit out of the hat.
     2. adv. Away from home or one's usual place.
           Let's eat out tonight
     1. prep. Expressing distance or motion.
     2. prep.          (now obsolete, or dialectal) From (of distance, direction), "off".
     3. prep.          (obsolete except in phrases) Since, from (a given time, earlier state etc.).
     4. prep.          From, away from (a position, number, distance etc.).
                    There are no shops within twenty miles of the cottage.
     1. n. Arrangement, disposition, or sequence.
     2. n. A position in an arrangement, disposition, or sequence.
     3. n. The state of being well arranged.
           The house is in order; the machinery is out of order.
     4. n. Conformity with law or decorum; freedom from disturbance; general tranquillity; public quiet.

Example Sentences

She was really on your case there, even a bit out of order, I'd say. 
Both freezers are out of order

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